
Apr 2, 2009

Presents From G-O-D


Let me tell you about some things that we all have each day, but most of us nearly notice, im talking about presents from The Greatest, The One, The Unique, GOD...

We all know that once we get to sleep in bed at night, when we open our eyes in the morning, theres more than another day, is also the same troubles as yesterday and the ones of today, and maybe from tomorrow... But it is also know by everyone that there is light of the sun shining throw the window, and our eyes that can notice that, theres the song of the nature that we can also hear with our ears. We also find that we have a body full of every part of it, that we need or at least is very useful to walk, write, paint, talk, eat, go to the bathroon, run, jump, put some makeup or something to be or feel more beautiful or sexy, to smile, to give or receive a hug, a kiss, a caress, or many many things, that i could say it in the blog...

But i am one of the person that complains a lot, but i'm grateful for what God has given to me, but there are a lot of things that stop me from being happy, those are that things that hurt me, but betwen all that things i have found the Presents of God, so i can support, be strong and keep going at least a little bit. Just like a kid when you give a candy, a piece of cake, or icecream when it feels pain...

So i want to share some of the Presents that God himself had given to me, and that i could captured in camera...

 Sonografias Celestiales... :P Oh no?!?
My best friend Betty :) Love her soooo muchhh!!!

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